LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 1/36 - People, places and health agencies: Less…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 2/36 - Authorship and acknowledgements
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 3/36 - Contents
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 4/36 - Summary
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 5/36 - Findings 2: Door-openers and challenges
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 6/36 - Key messages and implications
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 7/36 - Part One: Introduction
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 8/36 - About Big Local
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 9/36 - East Cleveland lies between a heritage c…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 10/36 - 1.3 Communities and public agencies: wha…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 11/36 - The work was carried out in three steps:…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 12/36 - Part Two: Findings
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 13/36 - Two areas said that drug use was a signi…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 14/36 - Many Big Local areas are heavily reliant…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 15/36 - This section is based on what Big Local …
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 16/36 - bought and helped to run the local minib…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 17/36 - One CCG representative who had met the B…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 18/36 - We came across similar initiatives in al…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 19/36 - Health promotion Big Local partnerships …
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 20/36
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 21/36 - lengths to work with the Big Local partn…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 22/36 - Big Locals existing networks Many of the…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 23/36 - Residents and health agencies want the s…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 24/36 - Being able to drill down to a very local…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 25/36 - 4.2 Challenges
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 26/36 - With Beechwood, Ballantyne and Bidstone …
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 27/36 - Part Three: Key messages and implication…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 28/36 - THEME 1
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 29/36 - Key message for residents: Health agenci…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 30/36 - problems and their solutions do not fit …
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 31/36 - · Spotting when the time is right to mak…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 32/36 - Appendix A
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 33/36 - In a `nutshell
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 34/36 - Gathering evidence and sharing stori…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 35/36 - BIG LOCAL RESIDENT-LED HEALTH AND WELLBE…
LT-16-12-People-places-and-health-agencies.pdf - page 36/36 - References