Items where Subject is "HT Communities. Classes. Races"

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Agace, M. and Hayes, C. (2022) Young people in community business: Stories of change. Research Report. Power to Change.

Akhter, N., McGowan, V., Halliday, E., Popay, J., Kasim, A. and Bambra, C. (2022) Community empowerment and mental wellbeing: longitudinal findings from a survey of people actively involved in the Big Local place-based initiative in England. Research Report. Oxford University Press.

Alraie, M. and Thelwall, S. (2022) Better understanding the financial impact of funding programmes through the ‘Year Zero’ approach. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Amin, M., Kane, D., Miller, S. and Morcrette, A. (2020) Connecting the dots: The funding landscape for community business. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Anderson, M. (2023) Evaluation report: Next Generation peer mentoring scheme. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Anderson, M. and Kirkup, B. (2023) Evaluation of the Next Generation programme for Community Energy - innovation Year 3. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Anderson, M. and Kirkup, B. (2022) Evaluation of the Next Generation programme for Community Energy – innovation Year 2. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Anderson, M. and Kirkup, B. (2020) Next Generation Community Energy - Interim Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Arbell, Y., Archer, T., Moore, T., Mullins, D. and Rafalowicz-Campbell, M. (2022) Homes in Community Hands: Year Three Evaluation. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T. (2023) Lessons in community-led housing. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T., Batty, E., Harris, C., Parkes, S., Wilson, I., Aiken, M., Buckley, E., Moran, R. and Terry, V. (2019) Our assets, our future: the economics, outcomes and sustainability of assets in community ownership. Research Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T., Batty, E., Harris, C., Parkes, S., Wilson, I., Aiken, M., Buckley, E., Moran, R. and Terry, V. (2019) Technical Report - Our assets, our future: the economics, outcomes and sustainability of assets in community ownership. Research Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T. and Harrington, C. (2021) Delivering the community led housing pipeline in England. Research Report. Community Land Trust Network.

Archer, T., Jessop, B. and McMullan, J. (2021) A Review of Evaluation Evidence on the Community Business Hypotheses. Evaluation Report. Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research.

Archer, T., Kear, A. and Harrington, C. (2018) Targeting funding to support community-led housing. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Archer, T., Moore, T. and Mullins, D. (2020) Homes in Community Hands - Baseline Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T., Moore, T. and Mullins, D. (2021) How to enable Community-Led Housing: Learning Brief 2 - Building Positive Relationships with Hub Stakeholders. Practice Guide. Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research.

Archer, T., Moore, T., Mullins, D. and Arbell, Y. (2021) Homes In Community Hands - Year 2 Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Archer, T., Parkes, S. and Speake, B. (2020) The English Village and Community Hall Survey 2020. Research Report. Power to Change.

Avdoulos, E., Whyte, S., Bulutoglu, K. and Harries, R. (2021) Understanding local patterns of volunteer activity during COVID-19. Research Report. The Young Foundation.

Avdoulos, E., Wilkins, Z. and Boelman, V. (2020) Navigating uncertainty and remaining resilient - The experience of community businesses during Covid-19. Research Report. Power to Change.

Avdoulos, E., Wilkins, Z. and Boelman, V. (2020) Navigating uncertainty and remaining resilient - The experience of community businesses during Covid-19 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.


Bagnall, A.-M., South, J., Southby, K., Freeman, C., Jones, R., Rithalia, A., Pennington, A. and Corcoran, R. (2020) A systematic review of the community wellbeing impact of community business. Research Report. Power to Change.

Bailey, N., Kleinhans, R. and Lindbergh, J. (2018) An assessment of community-based social enterprises in three European countries - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Bailey, N., Kleinhans, R. and Lindbergh, J. (2018) An assessment of community-based social enterprises in three European countries. Research Report. Power to Change.

Bailey, N., Kleinhans, R. and Lindbergh, J. (2018) An assessment of community-based social enterprises in three European countries. Case Study. Power to Change.

Baker, L., Cairns, B., Kyneswood, B. and Taylor, M. (2014) Big Local Annual Learning Review 2012-13: Final report. Research Report. Institute for Voluntary Action Research.

Baker, L., Garforth, H., Taylor, M. and Turner, K. (2016) People, places and health agencies: Lessons from Big Local residents. Research Report. Institute for Voluntary Action Research.

Baker, L., Jochum, V., Garforth, H. and Usher, R. (2022) Big Local relationships with public agencies. Research Report. Local Trust.

Baker, L., Usher, R., Garforth, H. and Pace, C. (2022) Working with community groups: Why and how to do it. Practice Guide. Local Trust.

Banks, S. and Carpenter, M. (2017) Researching the local politics and practices of radical Community Development Projects in 1970s Britain. Research Report. Oxford University Press.

Barnard, M., Davies, M., Hughes, S. and Miscampbell, G. (2017) What works: Successful community pubs. Research Report. Power to Change.

Barnard, M., Davies, M., Hughes, S. and Miscampbell, G. (2017) What works: Successful community pubs - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Barrett, H., Bosley, A., Brand, S., Brooks, M., Hunt, A. and Vascott, D. (2020) Employment and skills: The role of community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Barrett, H., Bosley, A., Brand, S., Brooks, M., Hunt, A. and Vascott, D. (2020) Employment and skills: The role of community businesses - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Barrett, H., Bosley, A., Brand, S., Brooks, M., Hunt, A. and Vascott, D. (2020) Technical Appendix - Employment and skills: The role of community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Batty, E., Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P., Pearson, S. and Wilson, I. (2010) The New Deal for Communities Experience: A final assessment. Technical Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Bedford, S. and Harper, A. (2018) Sustainable social care: What role for community business? Research Report. New Economics Foundation.

Ben-Galim, D. (2022) Deductions: Drivers of Poverty. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Bonetree, C., Martikke, S. and Wilkinson, S. (2022) Good Evidence: A guide to help community organisations produce research that gets taken seriously. Practice Guide. Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation.

Braggins, M. and Sollazzo, G. (2017) Data for the community: Taking a look at how data assets are being used at a local level. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Bramley, J. and Zappia, Z. (2020) Building a sustainable data ecosystem around community assets in England. Research Report. mySociety.

Brown, B. (2003) Exploring Ethnic Tensions Through Locality. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Brown, B. (2003) White Immigrants: A Portrait of the Polish Community in London. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Bruni, F., Marks, R., Newman, S. and Ruseva, V. (2017) Economic appraisal of community asset transfers. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Bruni, F., Marks, R., Newman, S. and Ruseva, V. (2017) The Economics of Community Asset Transfers: An Economic Framework to define and measure Social Value in Community Asset Transfers. Research Report. Pro Bono Economics.

Buckley, E., Aiken, M., Baker, L., Davis, H. and Usher, R. (2017) Community accountability in community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Buckley, E., Aiken, M., Baker, L., Davis, H. and Usher, R. (2017) Community accountability in community businesses - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Bulutoglu, K. and Whyte, S. (2021) Discomfort, Dissatisfaction & Disconnect: Exploring local economic perceptions through peer research. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Burnett, T., Arnold-Forster, H., Jurkovic, T., Romain, W., Ng, E., Ellis, J., Parker, M. and McGoldrick, J. (2022) The Power of Community: Learning from Bristol's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Research Report. Voscur.

Bussu, S. (2015) Building social capital: Summary of learning from Big Local. Research Report. Local Trust.

Byrne, A., Lipscomb, L. and Wild, R. (2020) Community business in England: Learning from the Power to Change Research Institute 2015-19. Research Report. Power to Change.


Caffyn, A. and Hale, E. Start Somewhere. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Carregha, T. and Coburn, J. (2024) Shaping Sustainable Universities: Examining the role of civic universities in contributing to a just transition to net zero. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies, England.

Carregha, T., Redmond, J., Oveson, M. and Owens-Crossman, L. (2024) Society, Culture and Locally-Connected Universities: Exploring institutions' social and cultural contributions to their local place. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies, England.

Carregha, T., Redmond, J., Owens-Crossman, L. and Haw, S. (2024) Healthy Universities, People and Places: Exploring institutions' potential impact on student, staff and community wellbeing. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies, England.

Carrington, O., Kail, A. and Wharton, R. (2017) More than Grants. Discussion Paper. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Chan, J., Pacot, M., Alraie, M. and Litchfield, A. (2022) Understanding impact for community businesses - Challenges and good practices for community businesses and funders. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Chapman, T. (2020) Community Businesses in the North of England 2020: New comparative analysis from the Third Sector Trends study. Research Report. Power to Change.

Chapman, T. (2018) The Social Process of Supporting Small Charities: An Evaluation of the Lloyds Bank Foundation Grow Pilot Programme. Evaluation Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Chapman, T. (2023) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: Full suite of reports. Research Report. Community Foundation (Tyne & Weir and Northumberland).

Chapman, T. and Gray, T. (2018) How do community businesses differ from other voluntary and community organisations in the North of England? Research Report. Durham University.

Chapman, T. and Gray, T. (2019) Striking a balance: A study of how community businesses in Bradford, Hartlepool and Middlesborough build working relationships with the public, private and third sector. Research Report. Power to Change.

Choi, H., Park, J. and Lee, E. (2021) Does State-Driven Social Economy Work? The Case of Community Business in South Korea. Research Report. MDPI.

Colquhoun, G. (2020) Housing by the community for the community: An assessment of the value for money of community led housing in England. Research Report. Capital Economics.

Coutinho, S., Hamlyn, R., Fitzpatrick, A., Williams, J. and Crawshaw, R. (2019) Empowering Places? Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level - A baseline study. Research Report. Power to Change.

Coutinho, S., Hamlyn, R., Fitzpatrick, A., Williams, J. and Crawshaw, R. (2019) Empowering Places? Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level - A baseline study - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Coutinho, S., Hamlyn, R., Smith, K. and Williams, J. (2021) Empowering Places? Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level. Research Report. Power to Change.

Crawshaw, R., Hamlyn, R., Coutinho, S., Fitzpatrick, A. and Williams, J. (2020) Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level. Research Report. Power to Change.

Crow, G. (2012) What are community studies? Working Paper. National Centre for Research Methods.

Curtis, A., James, D., Jochum, V., Ockenden, N. and Coombes, S. (2016) A study of community engagement within the Big Local programme (Summary). Research Report. National Council for Voluntary Organisations.

Curtis, A., James, D., Jochum, V., Ockenden, N. and Coombes, S. (2016) A study of community engagement within the Big Local programme. Research Report. National Council for Voluntary Organisations.


Damm, C. and Wells, P. (2021) Power to Change and blended finance. Research Report. Power to Change.

Davies, M., Miscampbell, G., Barnard, M. and Hughes, S. (2017) What works: Successful community housing. Research Report. Power to Change.

Davies, M., Miscampbell, G., Barnard, M. and Hughes, S. (2017) What works: Successful community housing - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Davis, H., Terry, V. and Turner, K. (2022) Residents in control: Community grants in Big Local areas. Research Report. Local Trust.

Dayson, C., Baker, L. and Rees, J. (2021) The Value of Small in a Big Crisis. Evaluation Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Dench, G. and Brown, B. (2004) The Grandmother Project: Towards a New Partnership between Family & State. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Higton, J., Archer, R., Steer, R. and Mulla, I. (2018) The Community Business Market in 2018 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Higton, J., Archer, R., Steer, R. and Mulla, I. (2019) Supporting analysis of the Community Business Market Report 2018. Research Report. Power to Change.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Higton, J., Archer, T., Steer, R. and Mulla, I. (2018) The Community Business Market in 2018. Research Report. Power to Change.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Mallett, O., Higton, J., Spong, S., Corley, A. and Mulla, I. (2017) Supporting analysis of the community business market in 2017. Research Report. Power to Change.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Mallett, O., Higton, J., Spong, S., Corley, A. and Mulla, I. (2017) The community business market in 2017 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Diamond, A., Vorley, T., Mallett, O., Higton, J., Spong, S., Corley, A. and Mulla, I. (2017) The community business market in 2017. Research Report. Power to Change.

Dobson, J. and Harris, C. (2022) Nourishing Community Businesses: Beyond Market Development. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Dobson, J., Harris, C. and Macmillan, R. (2020) Network Support: Community business peer networking before and during coronavirus. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Dobson, J., Macmillan, R. and Wells, P. (2020) Food for thought: Understanding market development in the community business sector. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Duncan, P. and Lavis, J. (2018) Delivering a community-led housing enabling hub service: experience and lessons from existing practice. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Dunn, F., Nicol, S. and Paddock, C. (2016) Analysis of applicants to the Initial Grants Programme. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.


Eadson, W., Dobson, J. and Harris, C. (2021) Community business and the foundational economy. Research Report. Power to Change.

Ellis, A. (2020) Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #5: Volunteering through crisis and beyond: Starting, stopping and shifting. Research Report. Local Trust.

Ellis, A., Damm, C., Dean, J., Harris, C. and Macmillan, R. (2021) Volunteering in community business: meaning, practice and management. Research Report. Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research.

Ellis, A., McCabe, A., Sugarman, W. and Leidecker, L. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #14: Community responses to COVID-19 - Sustaining community action. Research Report. Local Trust.

Ellis, A., McCabe, A., Wilson, M. and Afridi, A. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #11: Community responses to COVID 19 - Power and communities. Research Report. Local Trust.

Ellis, A., Wilson, M., McCabe, A. and Macmillan, R. (2022) One pandemic, many responses. Research Report. Local Trust.


Finch, A., Gaetano, I. and Rutter, J. (2023) How can events help build connected, happy and thriving communities? Discussion Paper. Spirit of 2012 Trust.

Flinders, M. (2023) The Civic Journey: introducing the idea. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Floyd, D. and Gregory, D. (2017) We still haven't found what we're looking for: Uncharted investment in Charities, Social Enterprises and Community Businesses. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Forbes, D. and Nichols, G. (2020) The community asset transfer of libraries: Considerations in community managed libraries taking a lease. Research Report. Power to Change.


Gardner, M., Bradley, P., Parry, G. and Webber, D. (2021) Helping ensure survival: Digitally enhanced advanced services in community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Gilbert, A. (2016) A common interest: The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market. Research Report. Power to Change.

Gilbert, A. (2016) A common interest: The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market. Research Report. Power to Change.

Golden, S. and Walsh, K. (2013) Getting Started in Wave 2 Big Local areas. Evaluation Report. Community Development Foundation.

Golden, S. and Walsh, K. (2014) Influences on the development of Big Local areas. Evaluation Report. Community Development Foundation.

Grayson, D. (2018) Community Business in 2030: Literature Review. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Gregory, D. (2021) Levelling the land: Social investment and ‘left behind’ places. Working Paper. Local Trust.


Hall, D., Davies, T. and Swersky, A. (2016) The community business market in 2016 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Hall, D., Davies, T. and Swersky, A. (2016) The community business market in 2016. Research Report. Power to Change.

Hall, P. (2003) Growing the European Urban System. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Harries, R., Ellis, A., Higton, J. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Volunteering in community business: a digest of recent research. Research Report. Power to Change.

Harries, R. and Miller, S. (2018) Better places through community business: A framework for impact evaluation. Research Report. Power to Change.

Harries, R. and Miller, S. (2021) Community business: The power on your doorstep - Executive Summary - Power to Change 2020 Impact Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Harries, R. and Miller, S. (2021) Community business: The power on your doorstep - Power to Change 2020 Impact Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Haw, S. (2022) Supports and challenges for community businesses: Lessons learnt from Power to Change’s legacy programme evaluations. Research Report. Power to Change.

Haw, S. and Theminimulle, S. (2023) Durability in the community business sector. Research Report. Power to Change.

Heap, H., Nowak, V., Schwaller, E., Southern, A. and Thompson, M. (2019) Growth, sustainability and purpose in the community business market in the Liverpool City Region. Research Report. Power to Change.

Heap, H. and Southern, A. (2021) Financial analysis of the Liverpool City Region community business market. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J. and Archer, R. (2019) Supporting analysis of the Community Business Market Report 2019. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J. and Archer, R. (2021) Supporting analysis of the Community Business Market Report 2020. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Francis, N., Merrett, D., Milner, C. and Choudhoury, A. (2021) The Community Business Market in 2021 - Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Francis, N., Merrett, D., Milner, C. and Choudhoury, A. (2021) The Community Business Market in 2021. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Howe, P. and Choudhoury, A. (2020) Community Business Market Survey 2020: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Merrett, D., Hansel, M. and Howe, P. (2021) The Community Business Market in 2020 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Merrett, D., Hansel, M. and Howe, P. (2021) The Community Business Market in 2020. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Merrett, D., Hansel, M. and Spong, S. (2021) The role of volunteers in community businesses. Research Report. CFE Research.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Steer, R., Mulla, I. and Hicklin, A. (2019) The Community Business Market in 2019 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Higton, J., Archer, R., Steer, R., Mulla, I. and Hicklin, A. (2019) The Community Business Market in 2019. Research Report. Power to Change.

Hitchin, J. (2018) Community business in place. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Hollis, H., Rolfe, T., Whyte, S. and Harries, R. (2022) Valuing and enabling citizen science: Lessons from the Citizen Science Exploration Grant programme. Evaluation Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Hollis, H., Skropke, C., Smith, H., Harries, R. and Garling, O. (2023) Social infrastructure: international comparative review. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies and Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

Hornung, L., Kane, D. and Jochum, V. (2020) Below the radar: Exploring grants data for grassroots organisations. Research Report. Local Trust.

Humm, J. (2015) Big Local evaluation plan. Evaluation Report. Local Trust.


James, D., Jochum, V., Kane, D., Curtis, A., Ockenden, N., Johnston, L., Mendez-Sayer, E. and Vanson, T. (2014) Big Local: The early years. Evaluation Report. National Council for Voluntary Organisations.

Jones, N. and Yeo, A. (2017) Community business and the Social Value Act. Research Report. Power to Change.


Kaye, S. (2020) Think Big, Act Small: Elinor Ostrom's Radical Vision for Community Power. Discussion Paper. New Local.

Kaye, S. and Morgan, C. (2021) Shifting the balance: Local adaptation, innovation and collaboration during the pandemic and beyond. Discussion Paper. New Local.

Kempson, N. (2021) Leading to Net Zero - Evidence review of communities pioneering low carbon standards. Working Paper. Community Land Trust Network.

Kleinhans, R., Clare, S., van, I. and Warsen, R. (2020) Exploring the durability of community businesses in England - A comparative analysis. Research Report. Power to Change.

Knight-Markiegi, A. (2022) Evaluation of Keighley Community Health. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Kotecha, M., Davies, M., Miscampbell, G., Barnard, M. and Hughes, S. (2017) What works: Successful community transport. Research Report. Power to Change.

Kotecha, M., Davies, M., Miscampbell, G., Barnard, M. and Hughes, S. (2017) What works: Successful community transport. Research Report. Power to Change.


Langdale, E., Macmillan, R., O’Flynn, L. and Oxborrow, L. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #13: Community responses to COVID-19 - Community hubs as social infrastructure. Research Report. Local Trust.

Lawson, H. (2020) An Evaluation of the CLT Start Up Fund. Evaluation Report. Community Land Trust Network.

Leckie, C., Munro, R. and Pragnell, M. (2022) Rural as a region: the hidden challenge for Levelling Up. Working Paper. Pragmatix Advisory.

Lee, N. and Swann, P. (2020) Saving the high street: the community takeover. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Litchfield, A., Meghjee, W., Sisya, K., Alraie, M. and Thornton, A. (2021) Bright Ideas, Trade Up, and Community Business Fund: Year 2 Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Litchfield, A., Meghjee, W., Sisya, K., Alraie, M. and Thornton, A. (2021) Evaluation of Bright Ideas, Trade Up and the Community Business Fund: Impact on people and place learning paper. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Litchfield, A., Norrlander, A., Sisya, K. and Alraie, J. (2020) Growing Community Businesses - An interim evaluation of Bright Ideas, the Community Business Fund and Trade Up. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Lupton, R., Fenton, A., Tunstall, R. and Harris, R. (2011) Place typologies and their policy applications. Research Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Lyon, D., Tunåker, C., Pratt-Boyden, K. and Theodossopoulos, D. (2021) Power in Big Local partnerships. Research Report. Local Trust.


Macmillan, R. (2021) Community business infrastructure: A literature review. Research Report. Power to Change.

Macmillan, R. (2021) Coordinating community business infrastructure. Research Report. Power to Change.

Macmillan, R. (2020) Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #3: Grassroots action - the role of informal community activity in responding to crises. Research Report. Local Trust.

Macmillan, R. (2020) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #1: How will communities respond to and recover from this crisis? Research Report. Local Trust.

Macmillan, R. (2020) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #7: Community responses to COVID-19 - Towards community-led infrastructure. Research Report. Local Trust.

Macmillan, R. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #9: Community responses to COVID-19 - Communities and local authorities. Research Report. Local Trust.

Mansfield, C., Towers, N. and Phillips, R. (2019) Front and Centre, Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

McCabe, A., Ellis, A., Afridi, A. and Langdale, E. (2022) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #16: Community responses to COVID-19 - Connecting communities? How relationships have mattered in community responses to COVID-19. Research Report. Local Trust.

McCabe, A., Wilson, M. and Ellis, A. (2020) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #6: Stepping up and helping out: grassroots volunteering in response to COVID-19. Research Report. Local Trust.

McCabe, A., Wilson, M. and Macmillan, R. (2020) Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #2: Community resilience or resourcefulness? Research Report. Local Trust.

McCabe, A., Wilson, M. and Macmillan, R. (2020) Stronger than anyone thought: Communities responding to COVID-19. Research Report. Local Trust.

McCabe, A., Wilson, M., Macmillan, R. and Ellis, A. (2021) Now they see us: Communities responding to COVID-19. Research Report. Local Trust.

McClean, S., Ismail, S., Powell, J., Jones, M., Kimberlee, R., Bird, E. and Shaw, P. (2019) Systematic review of community business related approaches to health and social care. Research Report. Power to Change.

McClean, S., Ismail, S., Powell, J., Jones, M., Kimberlee, R., Bird, E. and Shaw, P. (2019) Systematic review of community business related approaches to health and social care - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

McClymont, K., Griffin, E., Carmichael, L. and Marsh, R. (2019) Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review. Research Report. Power to Change.

McClymont, K., Griffin, E., Carmichael, L. and Marsh, R. (2019) Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

McCulloch, I. and Dawson, J. (2023) Communities doing it for themselves: Celebrating a decade of the Community Shares Unit. Discussion Paper. Cooperatives UK.

McCulloch, I. and Wharton, A. (2020) Understanding a maturing community shares market. Research Report. Cooperatives UK.

McDonnell, D., Rutherford, A., Morgan, G., Kane, D. and Bird, E. (2021) Smaller charities, SORP and issues of financial accounting and reporting. Research Report. Power to Change.

McGinn, P. (2022) Models of Value that Community Organising Generates for its Adopters. Research Report. PMG Consulting.

McNabola, A., Perry, S. and Harries, R. (2018) Community business in England: Learning from the Power to Change Research Institute 2016-17. Research Report. Power to Change.

McNabola, A., Perry, S. and Harries, R. (2018) Community business in England: Learning from the Power to Change Research Institute 2016-17 - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Meghjee, W., Chan, J., Alraie, M. and Pacot, M. (2022) How can funders support established community businesses? Lessons learnt from the Community Business Fund programme. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Meghjee, W., Pacot, M. and Alraie, M. (2022) How can funders support early-stage community businesses? Lessons learnt from the Bright Ideas programme. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Meghjee, W., Pacot, M., Alraie, M. and Chan, J. (2022) Thematic Paper: Assets & Community Businesses. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Meghjee, W., Pacot, M., Alraie, M. and Sturgis, R. (2022) Thematic Paper: Sector & Community Businesses. Working Paper. Renaisi.

Middlemiss, L., Snell, C., Morrison, E., Chzhen, Y., Owen, A., Kennedy, K., Theminimulle, S. and Carregha, T. (2023) Conceptualising socially inclusive environmental policy: a just transition to Net Zero. Social Policy and Society, 22 (4). pp. 763-783. ISSN 1475-3073

Miller, S. (2020) The impact of community businesses on people. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Moore, T., Archer, T. and Mullins, D. (2021) How to enable Community-Led Housing: Learning Brief 1 - Enabling and catalysing community-led housing. Practice Guide. Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research.

Moore, T., Mullins, D., He, B., Thompson, M. and Claassen, C. (2018) The Urban CLT Project Evaluation. Evaluation Report. Community Land Trust Network.

Morrison, E. (2022) An equitable future for research and innovation: Building sustained community involvement in knowledge production. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Morrison, E., Fransman, J. and Bulutoglu, K. (2020) The social implications of Covid-19 on Communities. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Morrison, E., Stevens, C., Springsteen, M., Iqbal, S., Zahid, H., Gainty, C., Robertson, H., Bell, A., Schensul, J., Larson, J., Sprague Martinez, L., Haque, S., England, S. and Rollins, R. (2021) Understanding vaccine hesitancy through communities of place. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Morrison, E., Theminimulle, S. and Carregha, T. (2024) Our journey to net zero: Understanding household and community participation in the UK’s transition to a greener future. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies, UK.

Morrison, E., Theminimulle, S. and Carregha, T. (2022) The role of HEIs in the climate action agenda. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Mulcahy-Bowman, A., Freeman, J. and Oliver, A. (2021) Routes into community influence. Research Report. University of Bristol.

Mullins, D. and He, B. (2017) Review of the Urban Community Land Trusts Project: Survey Report. Evaluation Report. Community Land Trust Network.

Müller, L. and Safazadeh, S. (2020) Empowering Places: A report for Power to Change, using data from the Thriving Places Index. Research Report. Power to Change.


Nichols, G., Findlay-King, L. and Forbes, D. (2020) The Community Asset Transfer of Leisure Facilities in the UK: A Review and Research Agenda. Research Report. Voluntas.

Nicol, H. and Raven, P. (2020) Developing potential lessons from community experiences of regeneration. Research Report. Local Trust.

Nicol, S. (2020) Assessing the value of volunteers in community businesses. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Norrlander, A., Meghjee, W., Sisya, K., Litchfield, A., Jones, R., Thelwall, S., Pacot, M. and Thornton, A. (2021) Valuing the contribution of volunteers to community businesses supported by the Community Business Fund. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.


O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Jackson-Harman, K. (2022) Empowering Places: Impact on the community and wider place. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N., Jackson-Harman, K. and Chan, J. (2023) Five years of Empowering Places: Evaluation report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: Abram Ward Community Cooperative, Wigan. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: B-Inspired, Leicester. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: Centre4, Grimsby. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: Made in Manningham, Bradford. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: Real Ideas, Plymouth. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: The Wharton Trust, Hartlepool. Case Study. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Empowering Places – Change Framework. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2022) Empowering Places: The impact of the programme on community businesses. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N., Meghjee, W. and Thornton, A. (2021) Empowering Places: The programme model and emerging impact. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L., Jones, N., Meghjee, W. and Thornton, A. (2021) Enablers and barriers to delivering place-based change through the Empowering Places programme. Research Report. Power to Change.

O'Flynn, L. and Thornton, A. (2020) Empowering Places - Interim Evaluation Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Osbourne, L., Wallis, E., Stumbitz, B., Lyon, F. and Vickers, I. (2021) Pathways to good work: toolkit for community organisations. Discussion Paper. Locality.


Pagura, S., Pollock, R. and Mussani, S. (2018) Investing in Localism: How Local Authorities Can Provide Good Finance For Community Business. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Pain, R., Whitman, G. and Milledge, D. (2019) Participatory Action Research Toolkit: An Introduction to Using PAR as an Approach to Learning, Research and Action. Practice Guide. Durham University.

Pastor, M., Speer, P., Gupta, J., Han, H. and Ito, J. (2022) Community Power and Health Equity: Closing the Gap between Scholarship and Practice. Discussion Paper. National Academy of Medicine.

Percey, C., Swersky, A. and Hall, D. (2016) The community business market in 2015. Research Report. Power to Change.

Plunkett, J. and Swersky, A. (2015) "What if we ran it ourselves?" - Getting the measure of Britain’s emerging community business sector. Research Report. Social Finance.

Pollard, G., Studdert, J. and Tiratelli, L. (2021) Community Power: The Evidence. Working Paper. New Local.


Ravenscroft, C. (2017) Facing Forward: How Small and Medium Charities can Adapt to Survive. Practice Guide. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Redmond, J. and Coburn, J. (2024) Universities and 'Economic Placemaking': Assessing the current and potential economic impact of universities on their places. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies, England.

Redmond, J. and Harries, R. (2023) Only Reconnect. Working Paper. Institute for Community Studies.

Reeder, N. (2017) Neighbourhood economic models. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Reid, S. (2020) We can't actually be a pub we can only be 'more than' a pub: The Bevy in lockdown. Research Report. Power to Change.

Rex, B. and Foxton, K. (2020) The 'Locally Rooted' Community Business: Meanings, practices, challenges and the role of community assets. Research Report. UAL Social Design Institute.

Richards, L., Vascott, D., Blandon, C. and Manger, L. (2018) Factors that contribute to community business success. Research Report. Power to Change.

Richards, L., Vascott, D., Blandon, C. and Manger, L. (2018) Factors that contribute to community business success - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Richards, L., Vascott, D., Blandon, C. and Manger, L. (2018) What works: Successful community hubs. Research Report. Power to Change.

Richards, L., Vascott, D., Blandon, C. and Manger, L. (2018) What works: Successful health and wellbeing community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Richards, L., Vascott, D., Blandon, C. and Manger, L. (2018) What works: Successful sport and leisure community businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Roper, S. and Bonner, K. (2017) Identifying Community Businesses in National Datasets. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Ryder, R. (2015) Plans to action: Summary Report and Case Studies. Research Report. Community Development Foundation.


Scales, J. (2018) Cultivating diversity: A toolkit to establish BME-led community business. Practice Guide. The Ubele Initiative.

Scott, N. and Probert, Y. (2018) Village halls, rural community hubs and buildings: The size, scale, scope and potential of these community business. Research Report. Power to Change.

Sepulveda, L. and Rabbevåg, S. (2021) Minoritised Ethnic Community and Social Enterprises. Research Report. Power to Change.

Smith, I., Green, E., Whittard, D. and Ritchie, F. (2018) Re-thinking the English indices of multiple deprivation: A review and exploration of alternative and complementary area-based indicator systems. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Snelson, S. and Collis, J. (2021) The impacts of social infrastructure investment. Research Report. Local Trust.

Stumbitz, B., Vickers, I., Lyon, F., Butler, J., Gregory, D. and Mansfield, C. (2018) The role of community businesses in providing health and wellbeing services: Challenges, opportunities and support needs. Research Report. Power to Change.

Stumbitz, B., Vickers, I., Lyon, F., Osbourne, L. and Wallis, E. (2021) ‘Good work’ and community business: Identifying pathways to good practice during Covid-19 and beyond. Research Report. Locality.

Sturgis, R., Meghjee, W. and Pacot, M. (2022) Helping community businesses be more resilient – Lessons learnt from the Trade Up programme. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.


Tauschisnki, J., Sogomonian, T. and Boelman, V. (2019) Flipping the Coin: The two sides of Community Wealth in England. Research Report. The Young Foundation.

Tauschisnki, J., Wilkins, Z. and Harries, R. (2021) A Civic Strength Index for London. Research Report. The Young Foundation.

Terry, V., Moran, R., Buckley, E., Aiken, M., Wilson, I., Parkes, S., Harris, C., Batty, E. and Archer, T. (2019) Our assets, our future: the economics, outcomes and sustainability of assets in community ownership - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Thelwall, S. (2017) Follow the Money. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Thelwall, S., Alraie, M. and Pacot, M. (2022) Understanding the financial impact of Power to Change’s grant funding on community businesses. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Theminimulle, S., Lee, N., Swann, P., Archer, T., Chan, J. and Meghjee, W. (2022) People shaping places, places shaping people: Community asset ownership. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Theminimulle, S., Wilkins, Z., Bulutoglu, K., Morrison, E., Harries, R., Dunn, W., Zia, N., Flinders, M., Mycock, A., Mwesiga, D., Kershaw, O. and Carregha, T. (2022) Volunteering Journeys. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Thornton, A., Litchfield, A., Brooks, S., Britt, R. and Hitchin, J. (2019) Community Business Fund evaluation - Interim Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Thornton, A., Litchfield, A., Brooks, S., Britt, R. and Hitchin, J. (2019) More Than a Pub programme evaluation - Interim Report. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Tinson, A., Ayrton, C. and Petrie, I. A Quiet Crisis: Local Government Spending on Disadvantage. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Traynor, K. and Simpson, G. (2020) Community hubs: Ten strategies for sustainability - Learning from the experience of Safe Regeneration - A community hub in the Liverpool city region. Research Report. Power to Change.

Trup, N., Carrington, D. and Wyler, S. (2019) Community hubs - Understanding survival and success. Research Report. Local Trust.

Tyler, P., Burgess, G., Muir, K. and Karampour, K. (2019) Achieving local economic change: what works? Research Report. Local Trust.

Tyler, P., Burgess, G., Muir, K. and Karampour, K. (2019) Achieving local economic change: what works? Executive Summary. Research Report. Local Trust.


Unspecified (2017) Alt Valley Community Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Alt Valley Community Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) The Anglers Rest. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Ashton Keynes Village Shop, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Aspire Ryde. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) BS3 Community Development. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Barnet Community Transport. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Belchford Co-op, Lincolnshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2013) A Better Form of Business 2013: Community-owned village shops. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Big Local and Community Economic Development. Case Study. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2019) Big Venture Community Centre, Wolverhampton. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Bilston Town Community Football Club, Wolverhampton. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Bishops Castle and District Community Land Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Brighton Open Market. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) The Bristol Cable. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Bristol Community Ferryboats. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Bristol Community Land Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Bristol Community Land Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Building an inclusive economy through community business: The role of social capital and agency in community business formation in deprived communities. Research Report. Centre for Local Economic Strategies.

Unspecified (2018) Building powerful communities through community asset transfer: A guide for councillors. Practice Guide. Locality.

Unspecified (2017) Burton Street Foundation. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Bytham Community Shop. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) CORE case study: Wight Community Energy - the impact of Community Benefit Fund grants. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) CORE case study: Yealm Community Energy - monitoring the impact of Community Benefit Fund grants. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: ARK at Egwood. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: Hyde Park Source. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: Seadream Education CIC. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: Star and Shadow Cinema. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: Target Football. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Case Study: Windmill Hill City Farm. Case Study. Locality.

Unspecified (2017) The Centurion. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2011) Championing Small But Vital Charities. Discussion Paper. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Charities Responding to COVID. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Charities Responding to COVID: Winter 2020 Update. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2021) Charities responding to COVID: Summer 2021 Update. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) The Cheese and Grain. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2014) Co-operative Pubs 2014: A Better Form of Business. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2015) Co-operative Pubs: A better form of business - 2014. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2017) Co-operative Pubs: A better form of business - 2017. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2016) Commissioning in Crisis. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2019) Common good land use in England: State of the sector report 2019. Research Report. Shared Assets.

Unspecified (2022) Community Assets. Working Paper. Welsh Parliament.

Unspecified (2021) Community Business Climate Action Programme Scoping Study Literature Review. Working Paper. CAG Consultants.

Unspecified (2018) Community Business in 2030. Research Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2024) Community Ownership: A Way Forward for Wales. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation, England.

Unspecified (2021) Community Pubs - A better form of business 2021. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2022) Community Pubs - A better form of business 2022. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) Community Pubs: A better form of business - 2018. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2019) Community Pubs: A better form of business - 2019. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Community Pubs: A better form of business - 2020. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2021) Community Shops - A better form of business 2021. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2022) Community Shops - A better form of business 2022. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2014) Community Shops 2014: A Better Form of Business. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2015) Community Shops: A better form of business - 2014. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2017) Community Shops: A better form of business - 2017. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) Community Shops: A better form of business - 2018. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2019) Community Shops: A better form of business - 2019. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Community Shops: A better form of business - 2020. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) Community asset transfer: The role of intermediation across Liverpool City Region. Research Report. Capacity.

Unspecified (2019) Community business and anchor institutions. Research Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2024) Community ownership: A better form of business 2024. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation, UK.

Unspecified (2020) Community-managed libraries as community hubs. Research Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Coningsby Community Hall, Lincolnshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Crediton Community Bookshop. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Croxteth Sports and Wellbeing Centre, Liverpool. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Croydon Saffron Central. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Cuckmere Community Bus Ltd. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2022) Delivering Zero-Carbon Schools: A practical and innovative business model for the community energy sector. Practice Guide. Green Fox Community Energy Co-operative.

Unspecified (2019) Devizes Canoe Club, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) The Drovers Inn. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) ETNA Community Centre, Richmond Upon Thames. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2012) Early learning from Big Local: An overview of evidence from the first 50 areas, July 2011 to March 2012. Evaluation Report. Community Development Foundation.

Unspecified (2019) The Eldonian Village, Liverpool. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Empowered Communities in the 2020s. Research Report. Institute for Voluntary Action Research.

Unspecified (2017) Empowered Communities in the 2020s: Feedback on the first 50 responses to the opening survey. Other. Institute for Voluntary Action Research.

Unspecified (2010) Evaluation of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal: Final report. Evaluation Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Unspecified (2015) Expert yet undervalued and on the frontline. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2017) The Friendly Transport Service (The Friendly Bus). Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Friends of Stretford Public Hall. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The Future of Community Business - A Draft Vision for 2030. Working Paper. Forum for the Future.

Unspecified (2019) Gatis Community Space, Wolverhampton. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) The George and Dragon. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Granby Four Streets Community Land Trust Location. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) The Green Book: Annex A2 - Place Based Analysis. Practice Guide. HM Treasury.

Unspecified (2021) Green Synergy. Case Study. Locality.

Unspecified (2021) Halifax Opportunities Trust. Case Study. Locality.

Unspecified (2017) Heeley Development Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Homes for Holsworthy Community Property Trust. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Jubilee Park Woodhall Spa Ltd. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Katherine Low Settlement, Wandsworth. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Kensington Library, Liverpool. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Landmark Arts Centre, Richmond Upon Thames. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Left Behind Survey. Other. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2020) Left Behind areas 2020 – Interim Set. Working Paper. Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion.

Unspecified (2019) Left behind? Understanding communities on the edge. Research Report. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2019) Left behind? Understanding communities on the edge: Executive summary. Research Report. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2021) Likewise. Case Study. Locality.

Unspecified (2018) MSH Health and Wellbeing CIC. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Mareham le Fen Community Centre, Lincolnshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Netherton Community Centre. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) New Wortley Community Association. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Bath and West Community Energy - Flex Community. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Brighton Energy Coop - Finding good locations for Electric Vehicle chargepoints. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Carbon Co-op - Energy Data Co-operative. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Chester Community Energy - FCA authorisation. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Crew Energy - enabling heat pump installations in London. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Gloucestershire Community Energy Co-op. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Green Fox - Zero Carbon Schools. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Lockleaze Loves Solar. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Nadder Community Energy - Partnership Models for an Electric Vehicle Car Club. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Next Generation case study: Plymouth Energy Community – developing affordable net zero homes through the use of an Esco. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The Old Co-op Community Building. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) The Old School, Lover, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Origin Sports. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Pennine Community Power. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) The Peterborough Arms, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Pinchbeck Community Land Trust, Lincolnshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2010) Places, people and politics: Learning to do things differently. Practice Guide. Leadership Centre for Local Government.

Unspecified (2024) Plunkett UK: 2024 Impact Report. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation, UK.

Unspecified (2023) Policy spotlight 1: How social infrastructure improves outcomes. Discussion Paper. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2016) Power to Change Annual Grantee Survey 2016. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Power to Change Annual Grantee Survey 2017. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Power to Change Annual Grantee Survey 2018. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Projekts MCR. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Quick guide to common good land use: For potential common good land users. Practice Guide. Shared Assets.

Unspecified (2019) RaKAT Community Transport, Richmond and Kingston. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2022) Reaching Further: Lessons for Funder Practice. Evaluation Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2020) Relationship Makers Impact Review: Supporting a cohort of Community Businesses. Research Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Research into the impact of Big Local: Impacts found. Research Report. Resources for Change.

Unspecified (2020) Researching community responses to COVID-19: a methodological note. Working Paper. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2019) Richmond Parish Lands Charity, Richmond Upon Thames. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Rotunda, Liverpool. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Sheffield Renewables. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2016) Small and Medium Sized Charities after the Crash. Research Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2016) Social Network Analysis: 'How to guide'. Practice Guide. Home Office.

Unspecified (2016) South Tynedale Railway. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2023) Space for community: strengthening our social infrastructure. Discussion Paper. The British Academy and Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Squash, Liverpool. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) St. John's Place, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) State of rural community business: A snapshot view in June 2020. Working Paper. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Support for community businesses in Liverpool City Region. Research Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Sutton Community Farm. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The Sweet Project. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) TISBUS, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) Tavistock Country Bus. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Timperley sports club. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Together We Plan! Practice Guide. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2010) Total Place - A practitioner's guide to doing things differently. Practice Guide. Leadership Centre for Local Government.

Unspecified (2010) Total place: a whole area approach to public services. Other. HM Treasury|Department for Communities and Local Government.

Unspecified (2021) Towards resilience: Building energy systems with community at their heart. Working Paper. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2020) Trading Up: Match Trading® for Community Businesses as a powerful incentive for regeneration post-COVID. Evaluation Report. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) Transform: End of Programme Summary. Evaluation Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Unspecified (2017) Treating mental health in the community: A policy review. Discussion Paper. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Understanding community asset transfer: A guide for community organisations. Practice Guide. Locality.

Unspecified (2022) Understanding the lived experience of ethnic minority students in postgraduate research. Research Report. Institute for Community Studies.

Unspecified (2018) Unlimited Potential. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2022) “We need a Right to Buy, not to try”: How more urban communities can take ownership of their pub. Working Paper. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) We want to change and they have the power: Findings of Bristol BAME sector review. Research Report. Black South West Network.

Unspecified (2019) The Well, Wolverhampton. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) Wellspring Healthy Living Centre. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Wilsford Community Land Trust, Lincolnshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) Wilton Community Land Trust, Wiltshire. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) Windmill Hill City Farm. Case Study. Locality.

Unspecified (2020) Working with your MP. Practice Guide. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2019) The Workspace, Wolverhampton. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2023) Young People in Community Business: A legacy report from the #iwill programme. Project Report. Plunkett Foundation.

Unspecified (2018) Zest. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The community business success guide to cafés. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) The community business success guide to contracted and commissioned services. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The community business success guide to lettings. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) The community business success guide to retail. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2017) The community business success guide to room hire. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2020) The community hub handbook: How to run a successful hub and make your neighbourhood thrive. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2021) A community response to loneliness. Practice Guide. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2020) The digital toolkit for communities. Practice Guide. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2020) The good councillor's guide to community business. Practice Guide. National Association of Local Councils.

Unspecified (2019) A guide to local government for community businesses. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2018) The role of community businesses in providing health and wellbeing services: Challenges, opportunities and support needs - Five case studies. Case Study. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2022) The role of paid workers in supporting a community-led programme. Working Paper. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2022) The role of small grants in Big Local: scoping paper. Research Report. Local Trust.

Unspecified (2020) A short guide to community business: What they are and how they make places better. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2019) The success guide to delivering services from a community space. Practice Guide. Power to Change.

Unspecified (2023) Community Ownership: A better form of business 2023. Research Report. Plunkett Foundation, UK.

Unspecified, U. (2019) Five Years of Funder Plus. Evaluation Report. Lloyds Bank Foundation.


Walker, W. (2023) The Role of Community Energy in a Just Transition to Net Zero. Discussion Paper. Power to Change, London.

Ward, A. and Brewer, D. (2018) A Grant Framework: For new build community-led housing projects. Working Paper. Power to Change.

Webb, J., Johns, M., Ahlquist, D., Dixon, R., Lamb, D., Osbourne, L. and Wallis, E. (2023) Community Businesses and Climate Action. Research Report. Power to Change.

Willis, D., Coutinho, S., Fitzpatrick, A. and Williams, J. (2017) The impact of community business on local communities: A feasibility study to test new measures based on the Community Life Survey - Research Summary. Research Report. Power to Change.

Willis, D., Coutinho, S., Fitzpatrick, A. and Williams, J. (2017) The impact of community business on local communities: A feasibility study to test new measures based on the Community Life Survey. Research Report. Power to Change.

Wilson, M., Boiling, S., Macmillan, R. and Smethurst, A. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #15: Community responses to COVID-19 - Changing community needs and looking to the future. Research Report. Local Trust.

Wilson, M., McCabe, A., Ellis, A. and Afridi, A. (2021) Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #12: Community responses to COVID-19 - Potential and limits of community power in a pandemic. Research Report. Local Trust.

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